Early 160m history…a net called “The Farmers Net” was the precursor to the Grey Hair Net, here is some info from W1MGP. At the end are some old pictures of early equipment and some of the early 160m ham operators.
The Farmer's Net existed before WW 2 but it was not a fully organized
Net. Just a bunch of Hams who met on 1840 Kc whenever they felt like going on the air.
No particular scheduled time. The only thing that was scheduled was the
Annual Picnic, which was held for a number of summers at Hampton Beach, NH
The Net got its name quite by accident when "Doc" Steady, W1BST of
Lakeport, NH heard several others on there talking and broke in to say
"You fellows sound like a bunch of Farmers" which they mostly were. The
Name stuck.
After WW2 we only had a little of the 160 Meter Band and didn't have
1840 so had to get some new crystals. Mine was 1818. There were still
Some of the Old Timers left and we did the best we could to get as many
back on as possible. Since there wasn't the large pre-War gang we decided
that one night a week was best. It was Saturday evenings, 7 to 9 PM. We
also had a Certificate drawn by Phil Grush, W1GGV of Beverly, MA.
W1CEA Arthur Heath Hampton, NH
W1IDY Bill Koehler Pelham, NH
W1KMP Roland Dauphinee Kearsarge, NH
W1APK Basil Cutting Pembroke, NH
W1IJB Al Bellerose Suncook, NH
W1ANS George Farley Milford, NH
W1AMP Walter Blake Kittery, ME
W1KBQ Dick Arnold Haverhill, MA
W1IUI Lloyd Currier Amesbury, MA
W1JKR Nat Dominy Rockland, MA
W1HHG Al Mosher Ipswich, MA
W1AWQ Charlie Garcelon S. Paris, ME
W1OE Harold Bean Penacook, NH
W1KUA Harry Fitzgerald Haverhill, MA
W1DHX Romeo Bilodeau Fall River, MA
W1BKB "Chick" Tardiff(?) Claremont, NH
W1IDQ No name or location at this time.
W1ITF George Cole Northwood, NH
W1AAR Russ Hobart West Roxbury, MA
W1HYO Everett Foster Windham, NH
W1IWY Art Beebe New London, CT
W1FCI Lloyd ________ North Conway, NH
W1KYN Tom O'Brien Newburyport, Ma
W1LIY Bill Gleason Milford, MA
W1BST Karl "Doc" Steady Lakeport, NH
W1DBE Claude Hutchinson Tewksbury, MA
W1IKK "Pete" Stuart Lexington, MA
W1MGP Sam Beverage Fall River, MA
W1LBJ Bill Parkhurst Berwick, ME
W1KBT "Dinty" Moore(?) Bridgewater, MA
W1ATP Ted Valpey Holiston, MA
W1MAS Bob Wood Hillsboro, NH
W1MPP Eunice Randall The first Lady Radio Announcer at AMRAD RADIO, WGI, Medford Hillside, MA about 1921.
W1KMH Hal Shepard Suncook, NH
W1AXL Jack Stoughton Claremont, NH
I am sure there are some errors and quite a few omissions. Sam Beverage, W1MGP March 2002
[ later letter from Sam about after WWII]………………………..
Hi! I am attaching the list of those in the Post WW2 Old Farmer's Net
which finally got back on 1840 KC which was the Pre-War frequency.
Instead of meeting at random we met Saturday evenings 7 to 9 PM. A lot of
the old gang were still around and dug out their 1840 Kc Crystals!
We also held some great "Happy New Year" gatherings. On one memorable
one George Bailey W2KH/W1KH called by phone from his penthouse in NYC to
say he was listening in and using a wire several hundred feet up over the
City and getting good reception.
Three types of Certificates were given out.
1.ORIGINAL, to all those who were on 1840 before Dec. 7,1941.
2. REGULAR, to those who have joined us since New Year's Eve., 1968 when the Net was reborn.
3. HONORARY, to Short Wave Listeners, wives of departed members, etc. We finally got 1840 Kc back!
The Certificate was drawn by Phil Grush, W1GGV of Beverly, MA and hand colored and issued by Sam Beverage, W1MGP
and later by Walt Peck, W1EFN from No. 39 onward to No. 56 . W1MGP moved from Saugus, MA to Maine in 1973 and didn't get
back on 160 for several years. Most of the old members are now SK.
When one reads this list they will see many who also belonged to the Grey Hair Net. ..............S.H.B.
1. W1GGV Phil R
2. W1MGP Sam O
3. W1MAS Bob O
4. W1JLK Deke O
5. W1PBE Bob R
6. W1WDU Spike R
7. W7GZL Jeep H
8. W1EFN Walt O
9. W1KWS Vic O
10. W1MPP Eunice O
11. W1AMP Walt O
12. W1AD Charlie O
13. W1DBE Claude O
14. W1BHD Mel R
15. WA2JWN Al R
16. W2BFA Milt O
17. WB2VNG Von R
18. W2ITN Dick O
19. W1HHG Al O
20. W1AXL Jack O
21. W1JB Basil O
22. W1BST Doc O
23. W1LTW Hassal O
24. W1IKK Pete O
25. W1DHX Romeo O
26. W1KPZ Mac O
27. W1AAR Russ O
28. W1LBJ Bill O
29. W1KBQ Dick O
30. W1HLY George O
31. W1IUI Lloyd O
32. W1JKR Nat O
33. W1LOB Vic O
34. W2KH George O
35. W1UV Hugh O
36. W1CZ Pete R
37. W2HOD Vince R
38. W1KPL Homer O
39. W3EU Pat R
40. W1AIR Stick O
41. W1KLO Mason R
42. W2ERX John R
43. W8GSR Dick R
44. W1DDC Charlie R
45. W2RMM Socky R
46. W2ZPL John R
47. W1GJE Oscar R
48. WA2FFM Charlie R
49. WA1EPH Al R
50. W2SZV Harry R
51. W1OCD Norbey R
52. K2QPZ Tom R
53. VE3UK Ron R
54. W2FW Jack R
55. W1GAC George O
56. W1PXA Steve R
57. W1CKI Bill H
I believe this list is correct as we can get it, copying from several lists 30-35 years old.
If there is any question on any calls, names or numbers please let us know.
Sam Beverage, W1MGP, North Haven Island, Maine
Some pictures of way back then.....
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